Pilates Sessions with Clare Myers
Intermediate Pilates
Portesham Village Hall: Wednesdays 10.00 to 11.00
As the Pilates Industry is largely unregulated, I source my training carefully to make sure I am up to date with current evidence based research.
I want to bring the best learning experience and benefits to your body and to ensure I am teaching at as high a standard of safety and knowledge as I possibly can.
Contact: CMPilates@live.co.uk. ClaireMyersPilates.com
Low Impact Zumba with Anne-Marie Kirby
Portesham Village Hall Thursdays 09.30 to 10.30
Move to Latin music and international rhythms; have fun and get a bit fitter in a relaxed atmosphere. Low impact, easy going routines suitable for any age and any fitness level.
Each class is £6 on a ‘drop in’ basis; come when you can and pay as you go.
Contact Anne- Marie on 07725982835 or email: annemarieszumba@gmail.com