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Hall Management

Portesham Village Hall (previously Portesham Parish Hall)

Registered Charity no. 281514 - Charity Commission website


14 trustees form the Management Committee

8 are usually elected at the AGM:

•Lesley Balmer: Treasurer

•Keith Brignell (RBL liaison): Bookings Officer 

•Claire Clark: Secretary

•David Collins

•Mike Dodd

•Colin Roper

•Gordon Smith

•Christine Voce

6 are appointed on the recommendation of their User Group:

•Maureen Adams (Chesil Scout Group)

•Mary Cutting (Chesil Scout Group)

•Margaret Hamilton (Friendship Café + Monday Lunch Club liaison)

•Pip Roper (Portesham WI)

•Clive Rowland (Short Mat Bowls Club)

•Mick Taylor (Badminton Club)


The Scheme (Constitution)

The Scheme is the document which governs the activities of Portesham Village Hall as a charity.  It is approved by the Charity Commission which must be consulted if it is modified.  It is not permitted to make changes to the body of the document so any changes made and approved by the CC appear at the end under ‘Amendments’.  

Please note: when the charity was established it was described as "Portesham Parish Hall", this has since been officially amended to "Portesham Village Hall".

Portesham Village Hall Statutory Accounts

AGM Minutes

Chair's Report

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