The residents of Portesham have been incredibly generous in supporting the Portland Foodbank over the last 3 years with both food and financial donations.
Inevitably, with the huge increase in energy costs and food price inflation, household budgets are under enormous pressure and that has had an obvious impact of people's ability to support use, however much they wish to.
These price increases have had a huge impact on the demand for the services at the Foodbank (a double hit). Portland was already one of the most deprived parts of the South West and these increases have massively impacted on our clients ability to feed themselves and their families, and to heat their homes.
Thankfully, with summer around the corner, some of the pressures on energy costs will ease, but the need will remain to feed families in difficult circumstances, either through being unemployed or with only seasonal employment on zero hours contracts available. In addition many of our clients have disability struggles, face higher energy costs due to pre-payment meters, and/or potentially high costs for childcare if work is available.
We, at the Foodbank, have seen a virtual doubling of our client base over the winter period, but the donations have reduced both in terms of food or financial support. We are having to spend several hundreds of pounds per week to keep the shelves stocked with essentials.
The good people of Portesham and the surrounding area, have been at the forefront of supporting Portland, a fact well recognised and very much appreciated on the island.
We at the Foodbank fully understand the pressures on the cost of living but if you are able to renew/continue your support for those most in need on Portland it would be a tremendous help in keeping the Foodbank as an essential lifeline to many on the Island of Portland.
If you would like to donate food (tinned or life-long products in particular), Margaret, our vicar, has a large green box outside the front door of the Rectory for donations that are collected every Thursday evening to be taken to the Foodbank on Friday morning.
If you would like to make a financial donation the details are as follows:-
Churches Together on Portland
Sort Code: 30-99-56
Account No: 02119255
Ref: Foodbank Donation
Many, many thanks on behalf of Portland Foodbank,
John Mason 871117
John Spicer. 873891